CCD Image of NGC 7635 a diffuse nebula in Cassiopeia

Image of NGC 7635 in Cassiopeia using 10Hz AO

(AO is an abbreviation for Active Optics)

FWHM of the star images is ~1.5 arc seconds

I finally got the AO prototype into operation
and had some good seeing for the first time in
over a month and this image is from
Aug 10 at my place near Frazier Mtn

Two images of 30 min duration
12.5-inch f/9 Ritchey w/ ST-7, NO filter
Dark Frame = Average of 4 images
Flat Field = Average of 4 images
Mask & Exponential Stretch applied to image

I have cleaned up much of the distorted star image
problems that were seen in earlier images. These were caused
by a collimation error that was present in the Ritchey

SBIG will soon have a prototype of a commercial
AO system in field testing

Copyright 1997 Brad D Wallis
This Image may be used for personal, non-profit, or educational uses ONLY
Any other uses are expressly prohibited without the written consent of Brad D Wallis

ANOTHER recent AO image of M51
ANOTHER recent AO image of M63
ANOTHER recent AO image of M17

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